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Why Water-less Wash is Shaping Our Future

On average it takes 20-50 gallons to wash a car, not to mention the amounts of soap flowing with that water down drains and into our environment. Taking it to the next level is the production and later disposal of packaging required to hold soap. And now with droughts happening across the country and agencies cracking down on water usage, the future of detailing cars looks scarce without adaptation. Bringing in the water-less car wash.

A relatively recent product, this may be what saves the cleanliness of our cars! It is a high lubricity spray product designed to replace soap, often containing waxes. Somewhat similar to a quick-detailer, it is sprayed on the car and carefully wiped off with a micro-fiber cloth. Performed correctly and it should not scratch paint. Once the car has been thoroughly washed, only 6-8 ounces of product has been used. That is less than 0.3% of the water that would have been used in a traditional wash. Water that does not pollute the environment or go through treatment plants. Think of the environment when you wash your car and go with water-less wash

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